How long should my video be?

When you create a video to market your business you have a number of different platforms on the internet where you can share it.

It is important that you optimise the video specifically for the platform you’re putting it on.

Platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all have different rules and online cultures that you must adhere to if you’re video is going to be received well.

Things like captions, thumbnails, video resolution and language used should be tailored specifically to the platform. But most importantly, so should the length.

Below is an infographic from HubSpot which displays the ‘ideal’ length for each platform and why.


ideal video lengths for social media

Check out this infographic from


Each of these platforms are heavily congested, with others battling for your audiences attention on their timeline. So it’s important you adjust your videos length for the platform it’s on.

Try to think about the audience you’re speaking to and the actions you want them to take after they watch your video.

Optimise your video specifically for the platform it’s on, so you can ensure you win their attention.

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